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Necessities for Navajo & Hopi Elders 

Our core mission is to provide food, firewood, and medical supplies to the elders.


Many of the supplies are delivered door-to-door.  Few elders drive, and even fewer have "chitties" (cars). Some elders will get together for lunch. This is a time for renewing friendships and catching up on what's happening. Food runs may be the only time many of the elders see each other.  

Food Runs


Food runs are our primary means for achieving our core mission.   Each spring and fall, we carry over two tons of supplies to the Hopi & Navajo Reservations. Getting supplies to the Reservations is always a challenge, and volunteers are always appreciated. 


Each elder receives a box of food and supplies, Blue Bird flour, a personal box with items selected specifically for their family, and fresh produce. We also provide each elder with a food certificate to be used at one of their local stores. This gives them a little extra for a holiday meal since many of the winter holidays come at the end of the month.

Medical & Personal Supplies


Simple items that we're accustomed to popping down to the drugstore to pick up may be difficult for elders to obtain. First, there's the issue of transportation or lack of it. Second, items are expensive.   Third, the selection is limited.  


Sumi Nungwa supplies each elder with medical supplies specific to their needs.


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​Wood and coal are the primary heat source for our elders. Early each winter we provide each elder with a load of firewood. They will use 12-16 loads during the course of the winter.

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Joni Glynn


Joni has built personal relationships with the elders we support and is an integral part of our mission. She also owns BizWear, a local company supplying uniform apparel. Through her company and contacts, Joni has been able to provide much-needed clothing and shoes to our elders and their families.   

Winnie Henry

​Without Winnie, Sumi Nungwa would not be what we are. She is a traditional Navajo elder who lives by Canyon de Chelly, Arizona. Winnie always had a strong desire to help her people.


When Cheryl & Robert approached her years ago about helping the elders, she was the gateway.  Because of the elders' trust in her, they allowed us into their homes and hearts.

Barbara Shirley

​​Barbara is passionate about helping her Navajo elders and preserving her culture! She has watched her mother, Winnie Henry, and us for years as we have served the elders. Now she is stepping up and becoming just as key as her mother.


Photos? It's amazing what lengths to which she'll go to avoid having her photo taken.

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