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Supporting Sumi Nungwa on Giving Tuesday

Hello, Sumi Nungwa Supporters

Since 1995, our team has worked year-round to come together and build relationships with the Navajo and Hopi Elders we serve. With your support and the countless hours of our volunteers, we've had a tremendous year!

Through our spring and fall food runs, we've helped 40 elders and their families living in Northern Arizona with two tons of food and supplies.

As we plan for next year's food runs and service projects, Sumi Nungwa is joining Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving on Tuesday, November 29.

We aim to raise $10,000 and humbly ask for your support.

  • A $25 donation provides a food certificate for an elder

  • A $50 donation provides a medical box for an elder

  • A $125 donation provides a food box for an elder

Celebrate Giving Tuesday by donating:

We need the help of supporters like you this Giving Tuesday to provide essential needs to our Elders on the Hopi and Navajo reservations in Northern Arizona. We couldn't do this work without you, and we can't thank you enough for your generosity!



Sumi Nungwa is a Hopi phrase meaning to come together to help and benefit one another without expectation of reward. Sumi Nungwa is a non-profit 501c3 corporation serving Hopi and Navajo elders residing on reservations in Northern Arizona. We have developed personal relationships with our Hopi & Navajo elders and their families.

By understanding their needs, we can provide food, medical boxes, and other personal items that make their lives more comfortable. We also sell traditional Hopi & Navajo art & crafts to help Native artists earn money and practice their art.

Food Runs are our primary means of achieving our core mission. Each spring and fall, we carry over two tons of supplies to the Hopi & Navajo Reservations. Each elder receives food and supplies, Blue Bird flour, a personal box with items selected specifically for their family, and fresh produce. We also provide each elder with a $25 food certificate for a holiday meal at one of their local stores.

Sumi Nungwa is a 501c3 charitable organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible. More than 95% of donations go directly to support the elders.



“You never forgot Polacca!”

Myrtle Naha lives in Polacca, on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona. At more than 90 years old, her stories of life on the mesa are full of culture and rich with life. Now she has reached a point in her life where she needs help. Her family does what they can, but without outside support, many of the things she needs to continue her traditional life are out of reach.

That’s why, on this Autumn Day, volunteers from Sumi Nungwa are gathered in her small home with boxes of food, personal Items and gifts of love from many places, delivered by real people who don’t just drop off boxes, but establish important connections with her.

“You never forgot Polacca,” - the village she grew up in - she smiles as she clutches a can of Spam to her chest.

No, Myrtle, we never will forget Pollaca.


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